
To be legally married in the Province of Ontario, you must obtain a marriage licence. celebrates your unique relationship.
To get a marriage licence, you will need to:
- Submit your marriage licence application online before booking an appointment to obtain your marriage licence. The name on the application must be the same as the name on the appointment booking. Once you have submitted your application online you will be given an application number. This number is required when booking your appointment. You can also download the Marriage Licence Application Form here and bring it with you to your nearest municipal office.
- Attend your local city hall, town hall, or municipal office, present identification, and pay a fee. Please check the municipality’s website to ensure you have all of the information required to purchase a marriage licence.
- Bring 2 pieces of government-issued identification for each person getting married. One piece of identification must include your photo.
More information about marriage requirements can be found here.
A marriage licence is valid for three months from the date it was issued.
A Marriage Certificate is a legal record of a marriage. It lists the date and place of the marriage and the names of the individuals who were married.
You may need this document to:
- Show legal proof you are married
- Apply for certain social benefits
- Settle an estate
- Change a last name
A Record of Solemnization of Marriage is not the same thing as a Marriage Certificate.
Before you can get a Marriage Certificate, your marriage needs to be registered.
At the conclusion of your ceremony, we will send off your signed Marriage Licence to the Office of the Registrar General. It can take between 6 to 8 weeks for your marriage to be formally registered with the Province of Ontario.
You can obtain a certified copy of your Marriage Certificate by completing the application form that was enclosed with your Marriage Licence or by applying online here.